Already have a card processor and think you're paying too much in fees? Looking to start a business and need to accept credit cards? Thinking about a Point of Sale system? If you answered yes to any of the above, contact us for a free no hassle quote and consultation.
We help you stay competitive
Accepting credit cards or not, is one of the most important decisions you can make as a small business owner. Credit card processing done right has the ability to increase your bottom line. As the world moves more and more into the digital age, paper money is being used less and less. Cash-only businesses are falling behind their competitors and losing potential sales due to most customers now a days not carrying cash or a checkbook. Choosing a credit card processor can seem like a confusing task.
We can help take away the confusion and get you into the right program for your business. We can take a look at the volume of business you do and design a program that works for you. Whether it is just a traditional processing system, a mobile processing system or a combination ofboth. ZZLocal is here to help you get started, reduce your rates and consult you on how to make the most when accepting credit cards. We can also help you set up a gift card program, loyalty program, payment gateways or online ordering system.
We offer the lowest rates guaranteed
Point of Sale Machines - from simple retail systems to the more complicated Bar / Restaurant systems
Credit Card Processing: Traditional Processing & Mobile Processing
Gift Card Programs
Loyalty Programs
Payment Gateways
Online Ordering Systems
Bulk Emails to a Client List You Build
Surcharge Processing - You pay $0 in fees
Call or email us for details.
get in touch
Starting a new business? Paying too much for processing? Have general questions?
Feel free to get in touch with us, we'd love to hear from you and answer any questions you may have!
PCI Complience Survey
For instructions on how to complete your PCI Compliance Survey, please see the link below. To complete your survey, you must know the name of your processor and your merchant ID. Your merchant ID will be located on your processing statement.